Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Well, I'm off to Boston. That is my luggage, which I take pictures of ever since my luggage was lost when I went to Florida in 1999 and had to resort to $50 to replace all that was "misplaced". Nice people here, and not your typical airport you would think of. Seems like a throw back to the old-days of airports you see in old shows. Maybe I even get to board the plane from the runway? I'm writing this in the baggage claim waiting until I can board. I'm using this Verizon broadband wireless Internet, and it is FAST! Terriable customer service, but my goodness it is great to have broadband anywhere! I will have my cell phone off until I get back on Sunday, but you can keep in contact via e-mail, as I will be checking it often, and I can call out using Skype. I will miss everyone, but will be back soon!

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