Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I feel like such a dork. I went to get my haircut today at a Liz & Nate's new salon that they just purchased called Salon 9. Nate was there so we chatted a bit before Liz cut my hair. I gave her a twenty, and she placed the change on the counter for me. I pick up the change and she says, "you going to take that twenty?". I didn't notice it but I had picked up the change AND the twenty I placed on the counter for her. Fortunately we are friends, but I felt totally embarrassed. I give her a tip, but only afterwards when I am talking to Nate in the back room do I realize that I didn't tip her enough in my embarrassment. Liz was cutting hair so I gave an extra tip to Nate to give to Liz. Ugghh, even though I am good friends with them, I still feel doubly embarrassed.


Idhrendur said...

Don't you hate when you do stuff like that? I know I do...except I usuall do it to customers at Staples. Bleh. :-D

Jason Rasmussen said...

We all have our ockward moments. Some more than others.