Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Go see My Date With Drew! Tell all your friends and go see it with them as soon as you can to help support such a great film! I went to the Arclight Cinemas in Hollywood tonight for a Q&A session with the filmmakers after the 7:20pm showing. That's me with Brian Herzlinger, the man who aspired to have a date with Drew Barrymore. This was my second time seeing it, and I loved every moment. The movie is so great and inspiring with real human emotion, and it helps if you sit close to the screen to see the subtle nuances of the human face, they tell such a story. I was able to ask Brian a question at the Q&A session that he said he was never asked before! Cool! Outside they talked to us and and I am so glad to see he perused his dream, they took risks, and with only $1,100, they have a movie in theaters for people to enjoy.

He had some good tips too. It's who you know to get you in the business, and it's what you know that will keep you there. Networking with people is key, and do not get discouraged with rejections. Everyone has access to technology and the only thing from keeping you to make a movie is yourself (the movie was edited on a laptop). Take risks and peruse your dream. I know, I know, we hear this stuff all the time, and I hate those little motivational phrases, but this is just good common knowledge that works. Why don't we follow these, take risks, peruse our dreams, and not get discouraged with rejection? It's so easy for me to write about this, but putting all this in action can be very difficult. I guess that's one of the reasons I like the movie so much; Brian had to deal with these problems, and it was great to take the journey with him.

And to all my friends, if you want to see it, and don't have anyone to go with, call me up, as I would be blessed to see it again with my friends.

You can watch the first 10 minutes of the film here:

-=I will post the audio I recorded from the Q&A session as soon as I can=-

So what did I ask Brian that he had not been asked before? This question was in my mind after I saw the movie the first time. I asked what he wrote on the card he gave to Drew Barrymore, as she did not read it outloud and the writing was not shown on screen. Ultimately he had his mom do it. The only line he remembered was, Thank you for taking a risk so I wouldn't have a wasted soul. I also really liked the story when he was at Taco Bell ordering food, and Drew called him up to invite him to the premiere of 50 First Dates. He went and saw Drew walk past, and thought she had not noticed, but she turned around and was ecstatic to see him. Brian said was happy to see her movie, but Drew slightly changed the subject and said she was excited to see "our movie". How sweet is that? That is one of the reasons I like Drew so much. She is so positive, yet realistic. She truly cares about people and what they think and feel. She always tries to brighten up people's day and be positive, because sadly there is too much negativeness in this world. Those are some traits I want to have in myself. Outside Arclight theaters I was able to talk to him a little bit more, not once viewing him as a "celebrity" but as someone who took risks, put himself out on the line, and succeeded! That's inspiring. So if I imply the 6 degrees of separation he used as the basis of this movie. I know Brian, Brian knows Drew. That puts me at one degree of separation between me and Drew Barrymore :)

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