Tuesday, September 13, 2005

God, you got my back; I trust you, help me to trust you.

“The only thing I fear is my future” – Adam Sessler.

God has already proven Himself faithful and worked out situations I worried about even better than I ever could have planned. Case and point: When I moved down here a year ago, I was worried that I would not have someone along the same level as me spiritually that I could talk to. It might take me a long time to find someone who we can both totally relate to! I prayed for a “spiritual brother” if you will, and all it takes is just a little faith as God was working and setting things in motion even before I moved down here. The day I set foot into Best Buy to apply for Geek Squad, there was Nathan Garcia, head agent. I briefly met him, but after I was hired, we were able to work together and we eventually found out we both were Christians. He introduced me to his Bible study and great circle of friends. Though I no longer work for Geek Squad, Nathan and I are good friends and can have deep discussions. God is so amazing and faithful, as this was better than I ever expected.

I went to get my haircut at Nate’s wife salon today and Nate was there. We had a good talk, as it is always great to hear advise from a Christian friend, just as iron sharpens iron (Prov 27:17). I worried about having good Christian friends…SOLVED! I wanted a job with expected hours so I could spend time with friends and family…DONE! God is amazingly faithful, and I feel bad because I could have prayed harder and I could have had more faith. It just shows how much grace He has on us.

I pray and expect great things, but often there is still that lingering doubt hidden in there. Is it human nature, a scheme of the enemy, lack of faith? He has proven Himself worthy and faithful over and over again. Why am I worried and concerned about situations now? I am concerned for my future which is unknown to me. Maybe we worry so we have to rely on God? If we didn’t worry, then we know we could do things on our own, and without God we can do nothing. Lord help me to fully trust You, remove all doubt, give me faith, patience, and continue as you have in the past to orchestrate great things in my life for the future and use me for you.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Teacher assigned, group project on Pee Wee Herman. College is great isn't it! I'm taking a Children's TV class and I finally realize just how many of these kids shows I really enjoy, even to this day. Did you know that people who watched Sesame Street growing up do better in school and in life? Horray for me!

This blog was brought to you by the letter G.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

I wish I was a weatherman. I don't know what it was, and I wish I knew how to explain it, but at 5pm today, the weather was perfect. It looked great, it smelled great, and just breathing the air made everything feel wonderful inside and out. It's not of often weather patterns like this happen, and I wish I knew what caused it. Rain in the desert and thunderstorms are still in my top 10 list of smells, but I at least know what causes that. I would have missed it too if I hadn't gone shopping. There needs to be an awesome weather alert system you install in your house so when there is awesome weather outside, it goes off and you run outside, and hopefully your friends are out there too.

Dinner For 8! What an amazing time. Campus Crusade for Christ had groups of 8 get together for fellowship. I can't remember the time I sat down to a dinner table and had a good conversation with everyone, as todays fast paced society drives that out of us. Taking the time to slow down and enjoy each others company was great. Afterwards we all got together, played the eye-glance game, Houdi, and just generally goofed off. Afterwards some of us stayed up at the apartments to watch Hitch, which was a generally good movie except for the PMS (pre-marital sex. Yes, guys can have PMS too and it's a bad thing). We also played with Doug's new computer, looked at pictures, had pillow fights and enjoy each others company. Jessica and I even reenacted the Psyco shower schene.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Taylor will be ok. That is the update I heard today from my boss. Thank you to those concerned and who prayed, and ultimately thank God who is the real one to thank. He has broken ribs and collar bone, but he will pull through. My boss also told me that it's times like these that they get to have group prayers when the board members meet.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Prayer is in need. I just learned that one of my superior's son (at work) was just involved in a car accident. I don't know much except that he had brain swelling, and I had a friend die from a similar accident and injury. I don't know him well, but I worked with him in Boston two weeks ago and he was a cool guy. His name is Taylor and I hope God pulls him through.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Pete and Pete and Pizza! For those who have not seen the show The Adventures of Pete and Pete, I cannot even begin to say what you are missing. On Friday Jessica and AJ came over to watch the recently released first season DVD. AJ had never seen the show, but Jessica and I were fans. The show is definitely better watching it with friends as we breezed through many adventures, busting out laughing and sighing with wonder.

It shows like this that I want to capture the same spirit in the work I do. You have the extremely bizarre and absurd combined with mystery and wonder with unique characters along with serious heartfelt issues, emotions and things to learn about life. With stories such as wrestling a bowling ball, finding love because of metal plate in someone's head, befriending an icecream man with relationship issues, being insecure because you work at a driving range so you dress up as a bear, wanting to change the world with a jetpack, searching lawns for landmines and lines such as, "I don't blame him, I blame his glands.", how cool is that?

Even after taking a lot of film courses and critiquing what we see, The Adventures of Pete and Pete is a model example of excellent writing, cinematography, acting and everything inbetween. Shows so dynamic as this are rare. It's nice to know Nickelodeon is releasing the second season which is only two months away! Another party is sure to ensue :)

PS: We played Super Smash Brothers and I kicked everyone's butt. AJ was good, and Jessica put up a really good fight. Sounds like we must battle again!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

If there is one thing I have learned in college, it is to hold your tongue. Pick your battles, hold your tongue, and tell your teachers what they want to hear. There are many teachers where critical thinking is praised, but for some professors, they just want to hear back what they told you, how great they are and what they think. The tongue is a very powerful object that can be very difficult to control, and can "turn the entire course of your life into a blazing flame of destruction, for it is set on fire by hell itself" as said in James 3:1-12. It would be safe to argue that the tongue is the most powerful muscle in the body. Time to tame the tongue this semester.