Monday, March 06, 2006

Everything is biased.

There is no such thing as an unbiased opinion. Everything has an element of bias, and bias is not necessarily bad. I was doing some reading about sex and the media for class:

“Alternative sex educators, such as parents, may supply only restricted or biased information.”

As if biased information is bad?! It is a parent’s job to be biased! If the parents do not tell there kids what is right and wrong in this world and how to act, then they are being bad parents. When I have kids, I am telling them sex is good, but sex outside the bonds of marriage is always wrong and will always bring about negative effects. Schools may tell you to wait, but if you are going to do it then you better have protection. That is not unbiased information, there is a bias there saying sex outside of marriage is ok, which is being called “comprehensive sexual education”. In movies, the ratio of unmarried sex to married sex is 32:1. Sick. Almost never in mass media is sex within marriage glorified, which is if to say sex outside of marriage is satisfying and normal, which is far from the truth.


Narisilme said...

That's incredible! I can't believe that ratio! Actually, I can... and it's incredible.

Idhrendur said...

Honestely, I'm surprised that it's not MORE extreme. It makes me sad.