Tuesday, May 31, 2005

A whole new world. Yahoo launched their Yahoo Music Unlimited music service where $5 per month gets you access to over 1 million songs. For that price, I'm going to see what cool new musical artists I can find, as well as listen to music I have wanted to, but didn't want to buy. Already I have heard music I am glad I did not buy, and have found new music I definitely want to buy. The best find yet is Bajofondo Tango Club - Supervielle, recommended by Yahoo because of my listening habits. WOW! Hopefully I will find more great artists, and if anyone has any recommendations of what I should check out (thanks Roberto & Rody for the Coldplay recommend), let me know and I will listen to it.

You see, I have had this Diamond Back BMX bike, since elementary school, and it has served me very well and has been well loved. It's certainly not a looker anymore, but it works and has a lot of great memories attached to it, which is very hard to let go. I was originally going to get a beach cruiser, but after talking with my sister Veronica, she convinced me to get a mountain bike. I didn't need anything fancy, as it would be mostly street riding, so it was off to Target and Wal-Mart, but after informing my sister of my plan, she lovingly called me and said if I bought anything to take that crap back :) After shopping around, I ended up with a Gary Fisher bike at a local bike shop which met Veronica's approval. Now I can go offroad, up and down mountains trails, and go mountain biking with my sister or friends. This was definitely something I could not do with my old bike. I'm looking forward to my first trail.

New music, and new places to travel open up a whole new world for me.


AJ Harbison said...

Hey Jason!
I noticed you don't get very many comments so I thought I'd hop on over and give ya a shout-out. Plus you never emailed me our Astroblasters picture. :p

That's awesome to hear about your new music and new bike. Maybe that's something I should look into as well (the Yahoo music service)--I hate listening to the radio, because it's dumb, so perhaps that would be an effective way to keep up with all the new music out there. As far as recommendations go: Of course, I have to start with U2. I don't know if you're a fan yet or not, but believe me, if you start hanging out with me a lot you will be soon enough. If you haven't listened to much of their music, I would recommend starting with either their latest album (How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb, 2005) or their most critically acclaimed (Joshua Tree, 1985). Another recommendation would be one of my other favorite bands, Matchbox Twenty--first album "Yourself or Someone Like You," second album "Mad Season," third album "More Than You Think You Are." They get progressively more polished and refined, but any of the 3 are good. Now that I've left you a very long comment... I hope you're doing well, and that we get to hang out a lot more next semester! Train out! (remind me to tell you about train sometime....)


Narisilme said...

Hey, I'm ready, friend! Let's go hit those trails!