Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I saw Drew Barrymore!

First off, I must confess, since a young age I have had a harmless crush on Drew Barrymore. She has become a respectable talent, helped resurge romantic comedies and has made some great movies through her production company. I have always wanted to see her in person. My sister Michelle tipped me off she would be at Arclight Cinemas in Hollywood for a "Hollywood's Master Storytellers" for her movie 50 First Dates, and of course, I bought tickets for the two of us.

Michelle was going to be there just on time, and I had the tickets, so I sat down and waited. Then I heard a voice behind me, which I knew I recognized. I turned around and sure enough it was Drew Barrymore, only 6 feet away from me with her entourage of people. As it is with most people you see in person, they are smaller than you expect. She toured around the top for a while before heading off to the theater. In respect to her, I let her be and didn't make a big deal of it. Now telling this story to my friends, even the girls I know said I should have got up and talked to her, because that is what they would have done. Naw, she is a person just like anyone else and I'll respect her by giving her her space. Michelle arrived just in time and we entered the theater.

Drew was joined with her Flower Films partner Nancy Juvonen. I was a little surprised that she did not receive a standing ovation as Paul Rubens (Pee-wee Herman) did when I saw him for a previous Q&A session. The Q&A session was great and you could tell she was genuinely happy to be there. She even mentioned how she was so looking forward to Tuesday night; it almost seemed like she was more happy to see us, as she was so grateful thanking us deeply for coming.

After the movie, Michelle and I hung out in the hallway and talked. I had a realization. Drew Barrymore is of course, very beautiful, but seeing her in person is quite different than seeing her on the screen. In person she is pretty as ever, but I realized that I know people that are just as beautiful as her, if not more so. My sis Michelle definitely has that department covered. Its just I see too many people hold others ( to an all to high standard, and get fixed on a certain type, when there is beauty all around.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Oxymoron morons. One car, two bumper stickers:

"Why do we kill people to teach people killing is wrong?"

"Keep abortion safe and legal."

Friday, November 11, 2005


"Based on what you've told us so far, we're playing this track because it features use of modal harmonies, a tight kick sound, heavy drums, synth riffs and synth tweaking."

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Found this in my school reading and I think you will enjoy it:

I have a spelling checker.
It came with my PC.
It plainly marks four my revue,
Miss steaks aye can knot sea.
Eye ran this poem threw it,
I'm sure your pleased too no.
It's letter perfect in it's weigh,
My checker tolled me sew.

-Jerrold H. Zar, "Candidate for a Pullet Surprise"

Monday, November 07, 2005

Homework and procrastination were never friends. I'm going to be a little hard to reach this week. I have two big projects due early next week, so your prayers and encouragement would be very appreciated. This is also the reason I have been not too social the past week or so, as I have been doing homework. Though if any of you did want to call me, I could bounce some of my project ideas off of you, and that would be very helpful for me. I care about you all and wish I could hang out more. Gotta tough it out, this semester is almost finished...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Do you realize that us Christians have a 24-hour, direct line, with the creator of the universe? Sit and think about that for a second. God chooses our bodies as a temple for Him and we can talk directly to God the Father anytime, no on hold music, no busy signals, no certain hours of operating, no waiting. I think a lot of us don't realize this vast resource we have at our disposal. I have the power and connectivity to the God of the universe who is physically in my body! Christ in me = Christian. Lets exploit this resource.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Ok, who is coming with me?!
Pee-wee's Big Adventure showing at ArcLight Cinemas in Hollywood with Q&A session with Paul Rubens, Pee-wee himself!

Thursday, October 13, 2005 I just wanted to share a great Bible site I have been going to for years. It has been around since 1995 (VERY old in web years), and though it still looks like a web page from the 90's, the content is excellent. Nearly every major Bible topic is covered with verses, there is a Bible encyclopedia, online Bible in multiple translations, they have a movie review section, and the site has no annoying advertising.

I suggest you check it out, and if you have any good Christian links that you go to, I would like to hear about them., It's DOT NET!

Monday, October 10, 2005

God is dead, buy our products. That's the message from Sony and Ikea. In Rome, Sony ran an ad portraying a young man wearing a crown of thorns along with the phrase "10 years of passion". Ikea ran an ad in Italy that said "There's no religion anymore" informing would be customers that their stores are open on Sunday because of the country's dwindling church attendance.

What amazes me is both companies had to do research to deem the ads effective. If Sony and Ikea knew the ads would be offensive or ineffective, they would not run them. Conversely, if they believed the ads would be effective and relate to people, they would invest money in the ads, and they did! As Christians we need to have an even greater pulse on the state of society and seek them even more than these ad companies are doing. Now that I think of it, I cannot ever recall an ad drawing attention to our fallen sin nature and needing a Savior. I have certainly seen ads glorifying the sin nature and encouraging it. (Maybe all my Photoshop and art friends can make an effective ad calling attention to our need of a Savior...)

Monday, October 03, 2005

Leftfield: Leftism

"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture."

10 year anniversery. Thank you Leftfield for the most brilliant piece of work I have ever heard. Electronic music will never be the same. Leftism sounds as fresh today as it did when it was released. Every song unique and dynamic, as a whole a masterpiece. With each listening, new things are noticed and it only gets better. The entire album is a journey, and I am overjoyed and filled with wonder every time.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

It is amazing how many PHDs worked on Sesame Street. When the show was being designed, they originally separated the grown ups and Muppets to separate fantasy from reality because the "experts" said not to mix the two. They claimed kids could not differentiate between fantasy and reality. In test screenings, the kids got excited when the Muppets were on screen, and were bored when the adults were on. Only when the shows creators went against the "experts" did they fully get the children's attention. Anyone who has seen Sesame Street knows there are a lot of short 2-3 minute segments, and they even experimented by mixing around the elements so there was no coherent storyline. The result? Kids were confused and started to become distracted and eventually left because they realized there was no storyline. We were designed for fantasy, reality and storytelling.

I made a list of some of my favorite movies (in no particular order):
  1. The Incrediables

  2. Pee-wee's Big Adventure

  3. Fight Club

  4. The Abyss: Special Edition

  5. The Princess Bride

  6. Peter Pan (2003)

  7. Spiderman 2

I realized that one common element they all had was they combined reality and fantasy with amazing storytelling (see if you can guess the other related themes). While that is only one part of these amazing movies, it is the combination of those elements which helped make fairy tales and Disneyland so popular. Walt designed Disneyland to tell a story, and to take people into a real fantasy world. Since the beginning of time, stories were told and passed on to generations. Fairy tales are still read to kids, and they thrive on it. It's one of the ways were designed to operate by our Creator. Now I need to watch Tim Burton's Big Fish...

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

God, you got my back; I trust you, help me to trust you.

“The only thing I fear is my future” – Adam Sessler.

God has already proven Himself faithful and worked out situations I worried about even better than I ever could have planned. Case and point: When I moved down here a year ago, I was worried that I would not have someone along the same level as me spiritually that I could talk to. It might take me a long time to find someone who we can both totally relate to! I prayed for a “spiritual brother” if you will, and all it takes is just a little faith as God was working and setting things in motion even before I moved down here. The day I set foot into Best Buy to apply for Geek Squad, there was Nathan Garcia, head agent. I briefly met him, but after I was hired, we were able to work together and we eventually found out we both were Christians. He introduced me to his Bible study and great circle of friends. Though I no longer work for Geek Squad, Nathan and I are good friends and can have deep discussions. God is so amazing and faithful, as this was better than I ever expected.

I went to get my haircut at Nate’s wife salon today and Nate was there. We had a good talk, as it is always great to hear advise from a Christian friend, just as iron sharpens iron (Prov 27:17). I worried about having good Christian friends…SOLVED! I wanted a job with expected hours so I could spend time with friends and family…DONE! God is amazingly faithful, and I feel bad because I could have prayed harder and I could have had more faith. It just shows how much grace He has on us.

I pray and expect great things, but often there is still that lingering doubt hidden in there. Is it human nature, a scheme of the enemy, lack of faith? He has proven Himself worthy and faithful over and over again. Why am I worried and concerned about situations now? I am concerned for my future which is unknown to me. Maybe we worry so we have to rely on God? If we didn’t worry, then we know we could do things on our own, and without God we can do nothing. Lord help me to fully trust You, remove all doubt, give me faith, patience, and continue as you have in the past to orchestrate great things in my life for the future and use me for you.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Teacher assigned, group project on Pee Wee Herman. College is great isn't it! I'm taking a Children's TV class and I finally realize just how many of these kids shows I really enjoy, even to this day. Did you know that people who watched Sesame Street growing up do better in school and in life? Horray for me!

This blog was brought to you by the letter G.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

I wish I was a weatherman. I don't know what it was, and I wish I knew how to explain it, but at 5pm today, the weather was perfect. It looked great, it smelled great, and just breathing the air made everything feel wonderful inside and out. It's not of often weather patterns like this happen, and I wish I knew what caused it. Rain in the desert and thunderstorms are still in my top 10 list of smells, but I at least know what causes that. I would have missed it too if I hadn't gone shopping. There needs to be an awesome weather alert system you install in your house so when there is awesome weather outside, it goes off and you run outside, and hopefully your friends are out there too.

Dinner For 8! What an amazing time. Campus Crusade for Christ had groups of 8 get together for fellowship. I can't remember the time I sat down to a dinner table and had a good conversation with everyone, as todays fast paced society drives that out of us. Taking the time to slow down and enjoy each others company was great. Afterwards we all got together, played the eye-glance game, Houdi, and just generally goofed off. Afterwards some of us stayed up at the apartments to watch Hitch, which was a generally good movie except for the PMS (pre-marital sex. Yes, guys can have PMS too and it's a bad thing). We also played with Doug's new computer, looked at pictures, had pillow fights and enjoy each others company. Jessica and I even reenacted the Psyco shower schene.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Taylor will be ok. That is the update I heard today from my boss. Thank you to those concerned and who prayed, and ultimately thank God who is the real one to thank. He has broken ribs and collar bone, but he will pull through. My boss also told me that it's times like these that they get to have group prayers when the board members meet.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Prayer is in need. I just learned that one of my superior's son (at work) was just involved in a car accident. I don't know much except that he had brain swelling, and I had a friend die from a similar accident and injury. I don't know him well, but I worked with him in Boston two weeks ago and he was a cool guy. His name is Taylor and I hope God pulls him through.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Pete and Pete and Pizza! For those who have not seen the show The Adventures of Pete and Pete, I cannot even begin to say what you are missing. On Friday Jessica and AJ came over to watch the recently released first season DVD. AJ had never seen the show, but Jessica and I were fans. The show is definitely better watching it with friends as we breezed through many adventures, busting out laughing and sighing with wonder.

It shows like this that I want to capture the same spirit in the work I do. You have the extremely bizarre and absurd combined with mystery and wonder with unique characters along with serious heartfelt issues, emotions and things to learn about life. With stories such as wrestling a bowling ball, finding love because of metal plate in someone's head, befriending an icecream man with relationship issues, being insecure because you work at a driving range so you dress up as a bear, wanting to change the world with a jetpack, searching lawns for landmines and lines such as, "I don't blame him, I blame his glands.", how cool is that?

Even after taking a lot of film courses and critiquing what we see, The Adventures of Pete and Pete is a model example of excellent writing, cinematography, acting and everything inbetween. Shows so dynamic as this are rare. It's nice to know Nickelodeon is releasing the second season which is only two months away! Another party is sure to ensue :)

PS: We played Super Smash Brothers and I kicked everyone's butt. AJ was good, and Jessica put up a really good fight. Sounds like we must battle again!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

If there is one thing I have learned in college, it is to hold your tongue. Pick your battles, hold your tongue, and tell your teachers what they want to hear. There are many teachers where critical thinking is praised, but for some professors, they just want to hear back what they told you, how great they are and what they think. The tongue is a very powerful object that can be very difficult to control, and can "turn the entire course of your life into a blazing flame of destruction, for it is set on fire by hell itself" as said in James 3:1-12. It would be safe to argue that the tongue is the most powerful muscle in the body. Time to tame the tongue this semester.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

I was eating pizza at the Boston airport when I turned my head and heard about hurricane Katrina that was about to hit New Orleans. I a friend who has friends and family out there, my work is going there for an event next year, and this is just really bad. Bars were still open, people drinking it up, partying and not caring that nearly certain death is coming for them. One news reporter asked a man in a bar why he was staying. "It's none of your f**king business", on live tv, too quick to censor. Another bar owner said his business and all that he cared about was here, and you can sign his death certificate. It is so sad that people have no concept of what is truly important in life, and it reminded me of what people did in the old testament when faced with similar situations. Looking to themselves and pleasure instead of towards God. Hoarding onto treasure here, even if you die trying to defend something that is futile to defend. Store your treasures in heaven, and pray for the storm, New Orleans, it's people.
It seems every time I leave from the east coast, a hurricane happens. I was leaving Florida when hurricane Andrew happened, and now as I leave Boston, hurricane Katrina is about to hit New Orleans. I hope Eleanor's parents will be ok as they live there. While at the food court I talked to another Californian and they felt the same way I do about Boston. There is nothing to do but bars, baseball or business. My flight on JetBlue 489 should board any minute now, so one last check of the email and I'm off. Can't wait to see everyone again!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Boston has no good places to eat. The only things within walking distance were Dunkin Doughnuts, 7-11, and McDonald's. Not healthy choices at all. Then a co-worker the other day told me about Fresh City ( right across the street from the hotel. I saw the sign, but from a distance it looked like a building leasing place because it was in the World Trade Center building. This place is amazing! "Fusion" food, mixing American, Japanese, Chinese and Mexican food together with stir frys, wraps, sandwiches, soup, salads, unique beverages, and smoothies. Great healthy food, amazing choices and the prices are very reasonable. If one of these opened in California, they would do very well. Only major complaint is the hours, 6:30am-4pm and closed on the weekends!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Working a convention is an experience as it keeps you on your toes, but when you work 12+ hours a day and only get 4-5 hours of sleep per night, you are disjoined with the world, family & friends. This event was planed many months in advance and tonight I am missing my sister's play in Hollywood tomorrow, and she's the lead character! I am also missing the Campus Crusade for Christ beginning of school party tonight which I so wanted to go to. I called Doug to say high to everyone, though the conversation was short because it sounded like everyone was having fun. I talked to a local Bostonian, and he said this was a drinking town. I don't drink, so there's not much for me to do here. It's times like these you really appreciate your friends and family.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Palm bark in my bath soap, self-defogging bathroom mirror, French milled soap made in Thailand of course, seaside panaromic view, Bose wave radio, even the elusive sewing kit, and the only thing to sleep on is a pull out sofa bed with no blankets. I was admiring all the fluffy towels in the bathroom when my boss called me, so I used the phone near the toliet.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Watching DirectTV on a plane is very cool, but still there is a lack of quality programming. No wonder I still don't miss cable. The last 30 minutes of the flight were brutal as I really got sick, but no tossing of the cookies. I'm sitting in the baggage claim relaxing until it totally passes, then TAXI & food! Mothers want to keep tabs on you, so I called her with Skype and the connection was bad. Hopefully it is where I am at, and not the Verizon Wireless. I was excited to get here, but now I don't feel so hot about it because I will be missing my sisters play in Hollywood, the first Campus Crusade for Christ meeting as well as the Friday party. But, if I don't work, I can't eat, sleep, or even go to school. Hopefully I will have some free moments to check out one of the oldest cities in America. Or I could just don a pirates hat, and sit around and do nothing. ...or maybe throw some tea into the bay.

Well, I'm off to Boston. That is my luggage, which I take pictures of ever since my luggage was lost when I went to Florida in 1999 and had to resort to $50 to replace all that was "misplaced". Nice people here, and not your typical airport you would think of. Seems like a throw back to the old-days of airports you see in old shows. Maybe I even get to board the plane from the runway? I'm writing this in the baggage claim waiting until I can board. I'm using this Verizon broadband wireless Internet, and it is FAST! Terriable customer service, but my goodness it is great to have broadband anywhere! I will have my cell phone off until I get back on Sunday, but you can keep in contact via e-mail, as I will be checking it often, and I can call out using Skype. I will miss everyone, but will be back soon!

Friday, August 19, 2005

"And I've never been to Boston in the fall...". Since I am going to Boston next week for work and because fall starts September 22nd, this will still be true for me. I fly out on Tuesday (23rd), and get back the following Sunday (28th). Because roaming phone calls will cost me 79 cents per minute, I'm turning off of my cell phone and relying on the power of the Internet. I should have abundent access to the Internet, so please e-mail me! I can also call you using Skype which will cost me 1 cent for every 4 minutes. Very cool! So if you want to chat, just send me an email and I will call you, or if you have Skype, call me (my username is: heydigital). If you think of me, pray that everything I have been working on at work for this event will go perfectly. If there is time, I would love to hang out with you guys before I leave. Now time to start training by pushing tea crates into the sea!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

What? Only one week left? I thought I had two weeks left before school! The kid inside me wonders why time is speeding up so much? Summers used to last forever! Inflections are cool!

I want to have a "going back to school" or something like that party at my place as a last hurrah before school starts. Maybe Thursday or Friday, I have not decided yet. Either way, my friend Andy Moore (the guy I am doing the documentary on for those that saw an extremely early rough cut of it) invited me to go to the beach with him and friends this Saturday. Knowing Andy, it is required that I invite friends. So if any of you read this before I get in contact with you, let me know if you can come hang out for the back to school party, and if you can go to the beach on Saturday. I would love to see you at either one, hopefully both!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Go see My Date With Drew! Tell all your friends and go see it with them as soon as you can to help support such a great film! I went to the Arclight Cinemas in Hollywood tonight for a Q&A session with the filmmakers after the 7:20pm showing. That's me with Brian Herzlinger, the man who aspired to have a date with Drew Barrymore. This was my second time seeing it, and I loved every moment. The movie is so great and inspiring with real human emotion, and it helps if you sit close to the screen to see the subtle nuances of the human face, they tell such a story. I was able to ask Brian a question at the Q&A session that he said he was never asked before! Cool! Outside they talked to us and and I am so glad to see he perused his dream, they took risks, and with only $1,100, they have a movie in theaters for people to enjoy.

He had some good tips too. It's who you know to get you in the business, and it's what you know that will keep you there. Networking with people is key, and do not get discouraged with rejections. Everyone has access to technology and the only thing from keeping you to make a movie is yourself (the movie was edited on a laptop). Take risks and peruse your dream. I know, I know, we hear this stuff all the time, and I hate those little motivational phrases, but this is just good common knowledge that works. Why don't we follow these, take risks, peruse our dreams, and not get discouraged with rejection? It's so easy for me to write about this, but putting all this in action can be very difficult. I guess that's one of the reasons I like the movie so much; Brian had to deal with these problems, and it was great to take the journey with him.

And to all my friends, if you want to see it, and don't have anyone to go with, call me up, as I would be blessed to see it again with my friends.

You can watch the first 10 minutes of the film here:

-=I will post the audio I recorded from the Q&A session as soon as I can=-

So what did I ask Brian that he had not been asked before? This question was in my mind after I saw the movie the first time. I asked what he wrote on the card he gave to Drew Barrymore, as she did not read it outloud and the writing was not shown on screen. Ultimately he had his mom do it. The only line he remembered was, Thank you for taking a risk so I wouldn't have a wasted soul. I also really liked the story when he was at Taco Bell ordering food, and Drew called him up to invite him to the premiere of 50 First Dates. He went and saw Drew walk past, and thought she had not noticed, but she turned around and was ecstatic to see him. Brian said was happy to see her movie, but Drew slightly changed the subject and said she was excited to see "our movie". How sweet is that? That is one of the reasons I like Drew so much. She is so positive, yet realistic. She truly cares about people and what they think and feel. She always tries to brighten up people's day and be positive, because sadly there is too much negativeness in this world. Those are some traits I want to have in myself. Outside Arclight theaters I was able to talk to him a little bit more, not once viewing him as a "celebrity" but as someone who took risks, put himself out on the line, and succeeded! That's inspiring. So if I imply the 6 degrees of separation he used as the basis of this movie. I know Brian, Brian knows Drew. That puts me at one degree of separation between me and Drew Barrymore :)

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I feel like such a dork. I went to get my haircut today at a Liz & Nate's new salon that they just purchased called Salon 9. Nate was there so we chatted a bit before Liz cut my hair. I gave her a twenty, and she placed the change on the counter for me. I pick up the change and she says, "you going to take that twenty?". I didn't notice it but I had picked up the change AND the twenty I placed on the counter for her. Fortunately we are friends, but I felt totally embarrassed. I give her a tip, but only afterwards when I am talking to Nate in the back room do I realize that I didn't tip her enough in my embarrassment. Liz was cutting hair so I gave an extra tip to Nate to give to Liz. Ugghh, even though I am good friends with them, I still feel doubly embarrassed.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Last night I saw My Date With Drew with my sister and brother in law. This is such a great movie! Here is my review I posted on Yahoo Movies.

My Date With Drew is one of the most sincere, charming, and exciting movies I have seen in a long time. It is about the pursuit of a dream and taking a risk. This movie has more edge-of-your-seat excitement than most summer blockbusters as you follow a rollercoaster of a journey that will make you laugh, cry, and hold your breath in anticipation. I saw this movie with my sister and she was so charmed by this movie, she had the biggest smile lasting well after the movie ended.

I have to admit, I am a little partial to the movie because I have had a have a similar harmless crush on Drew Barrymore since I saw her in ET when I was 5. But Brian took action, and with only $1,100 he followed his dream with the help of his friends and documented his journey for the world to see. Yes the video quality is low because a consumer grade camera was used, but the production values, editing and true human emotions are top notch. The world needs more dreamers and people who will take risks. As Drew Barrymore herself said, "If you don't take risks, you'll have a wasted soul." I highly recommend this movie!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Sorry for the lack of updates. Summer school has taken up all my time, which is why a lot of you have not heard from me lately. My disconnect with the world and friends is very taxing and it will be nice once it is over. Two more weeks, then I get to do it all over again for fall semester in a few weeks! Wee. Once school is done, I have a LOT of updates to post. Now to sleep...

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

My bike was stolen. On 6/22/04 my new Gary Fisher bike was stolen from Cal State Fullerton between 6 and 7pm in front of the Humanities building. I parked it, locked it with a Masterlock combo lock and flexible steel cable, then went to class. An hour later at break time I walk outside and it was gone. No sign of anything. I filed a police report, but lets all be honest here, it's gone. This is the 3rd time I have been vandalized in my life, and the 2nd time I have had a bike stolen. Of course I am upset, mad and disappointed. I was so upset I couldn't stay for class, as I could not concentrate at all on the movie we were watching. If I saw someone riding my bike, I would thrown them down and beat them senseless, and I have never been in a fight in my life. It's not so much the money, but the personal violation, agony, wasted time, money, effort, and the fact that it was personally signed by Gary Fisher himself. I enjoyed riding that bike and starting up mountain biking, but that is gone for now. I am never buying Masterlock again, and neither should you. Though I am upset and disappointed, in the grand scheme of things, my loss is extremely minimal. People get raped, loose limbs, loose eyes, loose the ability to walk, loose other bodily abilities, houses, cars, and even their lives. My loss is nothing compared to those. But my loss is still genuine, and would be lying if I said I was not disappointed or hurt. Though the chances are slim, God can do anything. Thanks for praying for my video camera, which would have been a bigger loss, and that turned out ok, so please pray for my bike. If you see a bike that looks like this and especially if it signed in silver near the front left side top of the frame, it also had a good scratch that took off the paint of the right pedal crank tip, a water bottle holder on the frame, and a small under-seat mounted bag, call the police (CSUF police department: 714-278-2515, main police department: (714) 738-6800) . Thanks.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

God even cares about electronics. A big thank you goes out to those who prayed for my video camera. When it got wiped out by an ocean wave, it turned on briefly after some prodding, but there was so much sand in it and parts did not move properly like they should. At home after I blew it out and disassembled some parts, it didn't work at all, and I was sure I had to buy a new one. I let it sit over the weekend, but actually had a peace that things would be ok, and God would provide. Monday evening after work I tested it and it worked!! Parts even swiveled like they should. I did some testing with it, and it looks like nothing bad happened, though after shooting for longer periods of time I will know for sure. Talking to God is a powerful thing, as He cares for even the smallest details of our lives. It also sounds so elementary, but it is easier to hear God when you cut the crap out of your life and please Him instead of yourself.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Ultimate Gaming Machine! I write this sitting on a comfy day-bed on a 43" HDTV monitor. My brother's friend, Adam has saved up enough money and wanted to get a gaming system. They said they wanted to go extreme, so they turned to me. I think an Alienware Athlon 64 4000+, 1gb RAM, dual nVidia 6800 SLI 256mb, 5.1 THX Certified speakers, and 43" DLP Samsung HDTV monitor will do just nicely. I think they will have a lovely summer :) Ohhh, Half Life 2 looks soooo good. I've been wanting a DLP HDTV myself for a while, but so far I have been able to differentiate between wants and needs. Of course it does not hurt to splurge once in a while, maybe someday...? (This picture gives you some size comparison, on left is a typical 17" monitor, too bad you can't see the astounding color and quality difference)

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Pray for my video camera. I was trying to film some test footage at the beach when a bigger wave than I expected came up and lapped my camera. It does not work now, and I need it to work by this coming Wednesday. I will write more later.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

A whole new world. Yahoo launched their Yahoo Music Unlimited music service where $5 per month gets you access to over 1 million songs. For that price, I'm going to see what cool new musical artists I can find, as well as listen to music I have wanted to, but didn't want to buy. Already I have heard music I am glad I did not buy, and have found new music I definitely want to buy. The best find yet is Bajofondo Tango Club - Supervielle, recommended by Yahoo because of my listening habits. WOW! Hopefully I will find more great artists, and if anyone has any recommendations of what I should check out (thanks Roberto & Rody for the Coldplay recommend), let me know and I will listen to it.

You see, I have had this Diamond Back BMX bike, since elementary school, and it has served me very well and has been well loved. It's certainly not a looker anymore, but it works and has a lot of great memories attached to it, which is very hard to let go. I was originally going to get a beach cruiser, but after talking with my sister Veronica, she convinced me to get a mountain bike. I didn't need anything fancy, as it would be mostly street riding, so it was off to Target and Wal-Mart, but after informing my sister of my plan, she lovingly called me and said if I bought anything to take that crap back :) After shopping around, I ended up with a Gary Fisher bike at a local bike shop which met Veronica's approval. Now I can go offroad, up and down mountains trails, and go mountain biking with my sister or friends. This was definitely something I could not do with my old bike. I'm looking forward to my first trail.

New music, and new places to travel open up a whole new world for me.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

When my friend Jim calls me right after he exits a theater, I listen. Not that I don't listen to him otherwise, but he has only call me three times in 10 years right after a movie, and he only does this for truly moving movies.

The first time he called me was in 1995 from a pay phone after he saw Hackers. The movie was great, but the soundtrack was to change our lives. 1995 was a turning point for electronic music. A lot of it then was just too predictable, repetitive and downright cheezy. This movie's soundtrack introduced us to the likes of The Prodigy, Massive Attack, Underworld, Orbital, and Leftfield. The music was so fresh, original, dynamic, emotional, driving, and elevated electronic music to a pinnacle it has never been before. From there I found other electronic artists pushing boundaries and just could not get enough, even to this day.

The second time he called me was after he saw Magnolia. This young guy, PT Anderson, managed to create such an amazing well written, directed, edited movie all dealing with hard subjects and he was not even 30 yet! I saw all his other movies afterwards and each is just so astounding (while certainly not for everyone), it's amazing so much talent and breadth of experience can come from such a young guy. Why can't I do that?

And just the other day he called me about the movie Unleashed. American marketing showed this movie as just another Jet Li action movie. I just saw it and it is much more. The movie has hard hitting well done [violent] action, yet also has a very touching and heartfelt story. You wound think the two should not go together. The movie was done by Luc Besson, who also did Leon The Professional and The Transporter, both movies have great original action, but are also fresh with character development and story. As much as I like these two extremes [action drama?], sadly this is the movie's biggest weakness. Do you market it as an action movie (which was done in America by changing the title from Danny the Dog), loosing the audience that wants just action, or do you market it towards the emotional journey and then loose the people with all the violence it has? Then the soundtrack was done by none other than Massive Attack, who did an amazing job. They can have hard gritting songs that make you want to throw down right now, to songs that just well up tears in your eyes. Just listen to "Right Way To Hold A Spoon" off of the soundtrack, and if that does not touch you emotionally... While the movie didn't change my life like some others have, I really hope that more movies will strive for such dynamicism that this movie has with great action, A list actors, a touching story, and excellent soundtrack.

I also noticed spiritual overtones can be viewed in this film. [Those not wanting spoilers, stop now] Sin can take a hold of you when you are young and enslave you, doing it's bidding, just as Danny was enslaved by his master. You know no other way so you keep on doing what sin tells you to do, even though it hurts you as well as others. You also become desensitized to what is truly wrong, as is the case when a violent fight broke out around Danny in a store and he thought nothing of it when everyone else was afraid and trying to get away. When Danny meets Sam the piano tuner, he experiences kindness, and wants more, but is still enslaved by his master Bart the gangster. Danny eventually has a chance to run away and goes to the only kindness he knows, living with Sam and his stepdaughter Victoria. The two even pray together, and Danny experiences a new world he never knew. Sin comes calling back and it is easy to fall into the trap again as Danny did. Only when you strive and make an active conscious decision to fight temptation and flee will you overcome, but not without the help of others as Sam and Victoria helped. The movie is much more dynamic than that, but that's just a short synopsis. I know I will have much more to say after I discuss with Jim tomorrow when I see Star Wars Episode III !

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Just another day in Hollywood. My sister Michelle had her end of the year play at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts. Before the play while we were waiting outside, cops came by and said to go inside because a guy was running around with a gun drawn, and helicoptors were circling directly overhead. Some people didn't care because "this happens all the time", and eventually we were forced to go inside the school building for shelter before the all clear sign was given 20 minutes later.

Waiting for the play to start, there was this older gay guy who was sitting less than 10 feet away from me and kept eyeing me. It was one of the creapiest things I have experienced. I just felt so angered that I wanted to go over and deck him in the face (and I have never hit anyone in my life) because I was so creaped out. He stopped eyeing me when his partner came along and sat next to him. Do girls feel this way when guys stare at them? I bet they do when it's another girl.

Though Michelle didn't have a major role in the play, she was on the stage enough times and had singing parts. She did very well. I don't remember what the play was called, but it was about sex, sex, sex, sex, adultry, sex, sex, unfaithfulness, sex, cheating, sex, loose women, sex sex sex, premarital sex, sex and sex. And none of it was shown in a bad light, but glorified it. This play also had that famous song "Send in the Clowns", hmm. Luckily Michelle didn't have to partake in those questionable scenes. I zoned out on the subject matter and just watched the actors act, which they were good at. Mom especially liked Michelle's little facial expressions.

Afterwards we went to Michelle's apartment, celebrated her 20th birthday (a new digit, and no longer a teenager) as well as mother's day. Those two years at the Academy in Hollywood went by quick, I for sure would not want to live in Hollywood, don't know if I would survive, and God bless her for being able to.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Tru Dat! Happiest Place On Earth! Saturday was the first time in a LONG time that I went with a large group of friends to Disneyland. Joey, Llona, Becky, Roberto, Lyndsey, Jeremy, Jerod and myself, making it a total of 8 people! We mostly all met at 7 (, and many of us have moved away, but the Christian comradely was amazing! Though I have likely been to Disneyland 100 times more than everyone else combined, I was so excited to go. You will have to excuse my Disney freakiness right now, the 50th is this month, Disneyland is improving (thanks Matt Ouimet), Space Mountain opens in 2 months, and I got my premium annual pass so I can go whenever I or my friends want!

On occasions I even had serious talks with some while walking or waiting in line. Jeremy, Jared and I talked about God's sovereignty, free will vs. predestination, and Lyndsy and I got a chance to talk about being a positive influence in a dark world. God bless her, she is trying to change the "food industry" customer service at Biola by being so positive, and this is a ministry not only to her, but to those she interacts with. Yeah, being positive is something most people fail to strive for, yet also being serious and candid when the time calls for it.

It was so cool because we were all relaxed and just enjoying Disneyland and our time together. Lyndsey, Jared and I detached from the group for a bit to ride Tower of Terror and Soaring over California. Jared had never been on either and he had a great smile on his face. After that it was over to Mimi's Cafe for dinner. After dinner, some had to leave to get home at a decent time, the rest of us went on a few more rides and the Cannon brothers (Jeremy and Jared) got to see Fantasmic! for the first time ever. They were stunned, and though I had seen it many many times, I had the biggest smile on my face throughout the entire performance. After Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room, we departed and all of us agreed we needed to do this again. That's what I really like about Disneyland, at the end of the day, you feel relaxed and more peaceful. Though Disneyland has done a great job of truly creating The Happiest Place On Earth, the true giver of peace is God, and the happiest place in the world is with God.

Monday, April 25, 2005

PORN !! With that word alone, I should get a lot more visitors to my blog. I first heard of a few weeks ago in my Biola Media conference flyer with a picture of two young guys next to it. I thought it was a ploy by using such a blatent name to draw attention to themselves. Last Thursday when I was a Crave, a college age ministry, they said would be there next week. Again, I was appauled, even disgusted. No way was I visiting that site with such wording. Then came the Biola Media Conference movie screening. I could play it safe and see Steve Taylor's movie, staring Michael W. Smith, or see these other guy's documentary about the porn industry called "Missionary Positions". Yup, that's the name of the title. "How could they pick such a name?" I thought, "...because of this I will not see it." Yet, the whole day God was tugging on my heart, and I decided to go into unknown, unsafe territory.

I'm glad I did. These two young ordained pastors (who have full time jobs as pastors in Corona) felt a calling to start an anti-porn website and minister to not only the porn industry, but those who are addicted to it. Their methods may be brash, cutting edge, and even offensive to some, but that may be just what is needed. Nobody is doing this! Porn is a huge problem and people just want to go along and pretend it does not exist! If it is talked about, it is done in a condemming manner. No one wants to be talked down to and condemed; they would rather go one sinning thank you very much. Not with these guys. They confront the problem head on in a loving, straight forward, creative and even funny sometimes manner. Watching the documentary I felt like I was reading stories about the early founders of the church and what adversity they faced, the struggles, sucesses, insurmountable odds, and evil around every corner. Yet I know God is on their side, and when God is on your side, who can be against you?

It is an excellent documentary and I highly reccomend it. Some parts will scare and shock you, but we live in a shocking world. The movie was even made by a non-Christian. He was there, and I know that with his interaction with these two over the past few years, seeds have been planted. It was not random chance that they just happen to meet each other at the airport one day...

Please pray for and their “virtual church”, the film so it will be picked up by a distributor, as well as the porn industry, and those addicted to it. This is not a problem that will go away anytime soon, and continues to spread like wildfire leaving an even more destructive path perverting what God originally created to be pure and glorious between a man and his wife. Porn is the biggest problem nobody talks about, and it is tearing our kids, family, country, relationships, marriages, nations, world, and relationship with God apart.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

See what happens when I get sidetracked? I realized that I didn't post much about the Biola Media Conference yesterday. Here are the highlights.

Opening speech. Sting the professional wrestler was there. Though I am not into wrestling, it was cool to hear his journey and how God worked through him and changed him. His talk with Hulk Hogan was great, and went somethig like this: Sting "You are probably wondering why I don't go out and drink, party and do the crazy things I used to. I am a new man and Jesu..." Hulk: "Say no more man, I understand".

Session #1: Doug Tennapel. GREAT GUY! Funny, educated, smart, hard hitting. It was about stop waiting for your big break and start working on your skill now by just doing stuff. This guy created Earthworm Jim, a popular videogame and cartoon, created numerous graphic novels (comic books), sold one to Fox to be turned into a movie, writes, directs, composes music, and none of it was a "gift from God". It was a skill he developed and refined. He said that too many times Christians think our "talent" is a "gift" from God. He stated that gifts are given in entirety, as a whole, while skills need to be trained. I see his point, all too often we call it a gift, when in reality it is something we need to work on to refine and make better. Quality of our work should be priority. He asked how many people have seen bad Christian "art". Everyone raised their hand. Why do Christians make such junk? Because they often think it is a gift. Quality of our work should be priority. He asked how many people have seen bad Christian "art". Everyone raised their hand. Why do Christians make such junk? Because they often think it is a gift, when it's not. Though we should strive for high quality, we should not become lathargic and not get any work done, waiting around for our big break. We need to go out and do stuff. To hit this point home, he showed us a quick movie he made in a weekend with some friends and $300. It was called Sockbaby ( Yes it was low budget, but the fight scenes, production value and audio were all top notch. It encouraged me, as I could do this, and even do better!

Session #2: Arthur Anderson. He is assistant Director to John Woo. He has worked on such big films as Mission Impossible II, The X Files (tv show), Windtalkers, Face Off, Paycheck, and the new Bewitched. I saw him last year, and this year he showed us behind the sceen footage and how the BMW Film "Hostage" was created.

Lunch: Steve Taylor was awarded to his contributions to Christian music. This guy has created numerous albums, and produced Newsboys, Six Pence, and many others.

Session #3: Short filmmaking and film festivles. We saw some shorts, and analyzed how to make our short films better, and even how to get them into film festivles. A lot of practicle advice.

Ending Session: Discussion with the 3 main guys behind bringing The Chronicles of Narnia to the big screen. It was great to hear how they all had different connections, some working for Disney, and how they met on campus of Biola, made some phone calls, and made this movie take off the ground (which is sure to be a HUGE hit). Not only was this written by a Christian (CS Lewis), it has many Christians behind it. We saw the trailer, which they just got their hands on the night before, and everyone was excited. They are going to be faithful to the book, and if this movie does well, they WILL make more.

Movie Screening: I had a choice to see Steve Taylor's movie, or see the documentary called "Missionary Positions". Yeah..... I'll tell you what I chose in another blog.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Christians & the Media. Something most would thing does not go together. Today was the 10th annual Biola Media Conference. I have been to this a number of times, and each time it is a great experience. A lot of "A" list people, ranging from all tallents (actors, directors, writers, producers, etc) and come and talk abou the craft an how this tool can be used for Jesus Christ. There are a lot more Christians in the media than most would expect.

X-Men 1&2, and the new Fantastic Four movie? Produced by a Christian. President of Disney media distribution, a Christian (that THAT all you Disney boycotters!). People in charge of bringing The Chronicles of Narnia to the screen, Christians. Creator of the video game and cartoon Earthworm Jim, a Christian. Creator of Happy Days, Perfect Strangers, Step By Step, Bruce Almighty, Kung Pow, Patch Adams, just to name a few, all Christians. And there are a lot more than that.

This is a mission field. If "Hollywood" is going to change, it needs to change from the inside out. Too many Christians will just bash "Hollywood" and turn their nose up in protest, refusing to see anything rated higher than PG (and I have seen some PG movies that are more offensive than R ones!). Many of these people are searching, and we as Christians need to be there to show them Jesus, not turn in protest wanting nothing to do with them.

Though everything on earth will be destroyed eventually, and the only lasting thing that will last is our relationship with God (and maybe our relationship with other Christians, I'm not sure), I want to create something that will last a bit longer here on earth, and possibly have a positive impact on people. The Wizard Of Oz is still being watched today and it continues to influence, teach and impact people, and it's venues like that in how I would like to further the kindom of God.

Though this is what I want, God may want me someplace else. But for now, this is what I am persuing. Maybe God has something better in store? If so, I'm all for it!

Saturday, April 02, 2005

I wish gas prices would go higher. Most would think I'm crazy when I say that considering gas prices in California are approaching the $3 per gallon mark. I have always been a fan of alternative fuel sources since I was a wee little kid reading picture books about what the future would be like. If prices go up and stay high, it will force auto manufacturers and other companies to aggressively push towards alternative fuel sources such as hydrogen and electric. It would also make us more independent so we don't rely on foreign sources, and because we do, we are at their will when it comes to fuel. Imagine what would happen to our economy if they cut the fuel supply in half, or even more? According to AAA, 95% of the gasoline consumed in California is from...yup, California. That other 5% is from foreign oil sources because we consume so much. Why are Americans so wasteful? I want my car to get 100 miles per gallon, and I wanted that 10 years ago. And while I'm at it, where is my personal jetpack!?

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

To Infinity and Beyond! Today I previewed Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters at Disneyland. Quite a good ride, better than the original in Florida. Yeah! The blasters are not tied down to the ship! Yeah! Instant visual feedback if you hit something! Yeah! Disney advocates cartoon violence! Though it is another copy, it is a welcome addition to help revive a dying Tomorrowland. Here is the ride photo of my dad (left) and me (right). Wonder who has the better score...

Sunday, March 06, 2005

"Smile, it's a great day today!" That bit of advice was given to me while I was looking at Disney art in the Disney Store at Downtown Disney today by one of the cast members who worked there. While I was perfectly content on the inside, I didn't think of how my outside was showing. He was right. It was a great day and I should be physically expressing my glee on the outside. And what do you know, smiling made me even more happy inside!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Cooking tips with Jason: This is a "traditional" Hawaiian breakfast. Rice, Spam & eggs with a side of pineapple. Had this when I visited my friends in Hawaii last year. Even McDonalds has it as a breakfast item. It is very good and easy to make too! Put on a little soy sauce, fork a bit from each and enjoy!

Thursday, February 17, 2005

I wish we had two faces. One for the superficial things we say, and the other for what we were really saying.

There was a baby shower at work today, and though I didn't partake in it, I was close enough to hear what was happening. Whenever the baby farted or burped all the girls were laughing and very happy at what the baby did. Now if this kid were a teenager, that would be a totally different story. Two faced.

When it comes to some group projects, some people already have their mind made up and there is nothing you can do to change it. They may say that you are helping them with the project, but in reality they are tearing you down until you surcome to their way. Everything you say is shot down even before it leaves their mouth. And questioning their intensions or motives only results in a void answer. If they would just say "this is what I have decided, end of story" it would make things so much easier. Two faced.

I would only listen what came out of the real face, and not even listen to the superficial face. I would even go as far as taping my superficial face's mouth. Anyone that talked out of their superficial face's mouth more then their real side, I would want to have nothing to do with.

Sadly sometimes I have two faces myself. If we had two faces, then we would really know what side of us was really talking.

Monday, February 14, 2005

If time flies when you're having fun, then why isn't time slowing down? At least for me that is. I will be brutally honest, I had so much more fun in life when I was a child. Now I'm not saying that I am not enjoying life as an adult, but I was just much more happier as a kid.

I had the best time as a kid. Days seemed like they had 50 hours in them, sunsets would last for days it seemed. Summers were an eternity, and you never saw yourself reaching high school because it was so far ahead in the future.

Peter Pan. It all comes back to this story. On one side you have Peter, a boy who does not want to grow up. On the other side you have Wendy, who values her childhood and fears to grow up, but eventually learns that adulthood is the next great adventure.

A great adventure it is, but again being honest, I had more fun as a child. I work so hard just to live, yet I never have time to truly LIVE. Will I ever be as happy as I was then? I can't answer that, but I guess that is what an adventure is made up of.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Being welcomed back with complete open arms is something everyone needs to
It had been many, many months since I had last attended Seven. I was a team leader, a member of the core before resigning so I could move to Orange County to finish school. Not a single person forgot me or failed to welcome me back, literally welcomed with open arms. What an amazing feeling. The band played their songs, and the second one (a new one to me) really got to me, and tears started to well up in my eyes. It sounded so beautiful and what an amazing ministry Seven is. I so wish I could still be a part of it, but God has other things for me right now. And before Jeremy went up to teach, they used one of my audio clips (the Tequila/Sietie one) and people laughed at it. Jeremy even made a funny comment about it when he came up. It's nice to know I am still causing havoc. The lesson fit just right with what I was experiencing in life at this time.

Afterwards Aubrey Richmond, Jenna, Andy Moore and some others hung out at In-N-Out Burger. Andy and I talked for quite a while, as we really just click, but sadly don't have opportunities to spend much time together. I gave him mad props for such an amazing job on backup guitar that night. He is such a talented, and very humble, guitarist. When Andy left, I joined in on the Scatagories game that was already in progress. Normally I am good thinking on my toes, but I couldn't think of any creative words for the game that night! We all had a great time and I was filled with so much joy as I drove back home to Orange County.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

You never know how much you miss weekends until you have them back. Last weekend was spent just realizing that I now had weekends again. My brother Travis is having his 17th birthday party this weekend, so I decided to go back to Apple Valley for the weekend. It was almost like a mini vacation, seeing familiar things from a different viewpoint, behind detached from the normal day-to-day world, your worries set aside for the time being. Friday night Travis, his friend Adam Sweeney and I stayed up playing video games late into the night.

After sleeping in, mom and I went out to buy Gamecube games and accessories for Travis' birthday, as we ordered a Gamecube special online. He had a lot of friends come over, and everyone played DDR and watched Napoleon Dynamite. He was really excited when he finally got multiple plastic light sabers so he could battle with his friends. As most boys would do, we stayed up late again playing video games...
Calories don't count when you are at home. I decided to come up to my parent's house for the weekend. We are also celebrating my brother's 17th birthday. I also wanted to catch up with friends from the High Desert. I'm doing laundry (yes, it saves me quarters!) or else I will have to go around either nude, or in stinky clothes all while eating a high-carb diet of cashews and buttered toast at 2:30 in the morning! Besides, I don't have anything to worry about. I have no gut, am fit, look good, but still am single...hmmm. It's good to visit, it's nice to have weekends off now too. You feel more relaxed, as if you were at...home.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Is Google going to rule the world?

First the search engine, then GMail, then Picasa (WHICH ROCKS!), now Blogger? My first blog. I have created an online journal, but editing all the HTML, became tiresome and I guess that's why I laxed. More to come?