Sunday, August 28, 2005

I was eating pizza at the Boston airport when I turned my head and heard about hurricane Katrina that was about to hit New Orleans. I a friend who has friends and family out there, my work is going there for an event next year, and this is just really bad. Bars were still open, people drinking it up, partying and not caring that nearly certain death is coming for them. One news reporter asked a man in a bar why he was staying. "It's none of your f**king business", on live tv, too quick to censor. Another bar owner said his business and all that he cared about was here, and you can sign his death certificate. It is so sad that people have no concept of what is truly important in life, and it reminded me of what people did in the old testament when faced with similar situations. Looking to themselves and pleasure instead of towards God. Hoarding onto treasure here, even if you die trying to defend something that is futile to defend. Store your treasures in heaven, and pray for the storm, New Orleans, it's people.


Jessica said...

its interesting how you applied it to the old testement. It is a common misconception that the isrealites were just stupid and that is why they acted that way. that is a lie that the enemy wants us to believe, and then he uses the same stongholds against us as he did then.

Jason Rasmussen said...

Eleanor, I hope you have heard back from your parents and that they are ok. I also hope their home as well as family and friends are safe too.

Human nature today is no different than it was in Biblical times, and it does not suprise me how they acted. To quote my favorite Christian band:
"Nothing really changes, everything remains the same. We are who we are till the day that we die. Unless we know the Lord."