Just another day in Hollywood. My sister Michelle had her end of the year play at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts. Before the play while we were waiting outside, cops came by and said to go inside because a guy was running around with a gun drawn, and helicoptors were circling directly overhead. Some people didn't care because "this happens all the time", and eventually we were forced to go inside the school building for shelter before the all clear sign was given 20 minutes later.
Waiting for the play to start, there was this older gay guy who was sitting less than 10 feet away from me and kept eyeing me. It was one of the creapiest things I have experienced. I just felt so angered that I wanted to go over and deck him in the face (and I have never hit anyone in my life) because I was so creaped out. He stopped eyeing me when his partner came along and sat next to him. Do girls feel this way when guys stare at them? I bet they do when it's another girl.
Though Michelle didn't have a major role in the play, she was on the stage enough times and had singing parts. She did very well. I don't remember what the play was called, but it was about sex, sex, sex, sex, adultry, sex, sex, unfaithfulness, sex, cheating, sex, loose women, sex sex sex, premarital sex, sex and sex. And none of it was shown in a bad light, but glorified it. This play also had that famous song "Send in the Clowns", hmm. Luckily Michelle didn't have to partake in those questionable scenes. I zoned out on the subject matter and just watched the actors act, which they were good at. Mom especially liked Michelle's little facial expressions.
Afterwards we went to Michelle's apartment, celebrated her 20th birthday (a new digit, and no longer a teenager) as well as mother's day. Those two years at the Academy in Hollywood went by quick, I for sure would not want to live in Hollywood, don't know if I would survive, and God bless her for being able to.
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