Thursday, February 02, 2006

I changed my phone number! Can’t everything stay the same? Guess not, but change is good. With me being in Orange County and all, I decided to go with the 714 area code because the 760 was freaking people out. I'm not posting my phone number on the web, so if you did not get a personal email from me, email me and I will send you my new number.

I also switched providers and now am on Verizon and I am part of their “IN” network thingie. If you are on Verizon and are on their IN network, we can talk for free anytime, so let me know if you are! I also have this cool new phone where I can attach pictures to my contacts, so if you could, please send me an updated picture of yourself. My e-mail and website ( are still the same. So update your phone books, send me an e-mail with your picture for my contact list, and give me a call because I would love to hear from you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah! change! first your email and now this!

hey man, haven't seen you in forever. and i haven't visited your site for a while. good to see your shining face on the page.

Whats up with me? I'm doing this: (I'm executive director)
-and- (station manager)

I'm busy. Take care!
