Wednesday, November 26, 2008

White Boy Geek Rappers

One of the many things the internet has done is level the playing field for creativity, allowing a voice to those who would normally not be heard. One only need to look at the rise of Homestarrunner or Ask A Ninja for proof. Here is a video by Sniper Twins which is geeky, and very well done.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Self-admition to Media Bias for Obama

The mainstream media is biased, liberal, and those who still believe that news reporting is objective and fact driven are sorely mistaken. At least The Washington Post admits their blatant biased agenda in the 2008 election towards Obama. The first paragraph of the story is an unforgiving self-admission of bias. Some of the more interesting admissions were:
  • Laudatory opinion pieces: 32 Obama / 13 McCain
  • Negative pieces: 32 Obama / 58 McCain
  • Obama got the editorial board's endorsement.
  • Stories and photos about Obama in the news pages outnumbered those devoted to McCain.
  • 57 percent of the stories were about the horse race and 13 percent were about issues.
  • (Picture coverage) Obama led in most categories.
  • Some readers complain that coverage is too poll-driven. They're right, but it's not going to change. (Jason's note: Did the polls represent the opinion of the public, or polls influence the public? Polling can lead the lead the person being polled or be made to get the intended results. Also, polls are not issues or stances.)
  • The Post did nothing on Obama's acknowledged drug use as a teenager.
  • The Post went over Palin with a fine-tooth comb and neglected Biden. They are right.
This only affirms the fact the one be a critical thinker and properly discern information. If you ever saw the X-Files, you remember The Lone Gunman, a rogue group of three publishing their own magazine of critical stories the media did not cover, or covered up. Critical news sites are hard to come by, but one I have been reading more of lately has been World Net Daily, which often covers stories before they are mainstream, or stories the mainstream media refuses to.

This Washington Post admission is a sad commentary on major mainstream American journalism where self-interest is disguised as critical analysis and has a major impact on influencing the election. The candidate's image instead of their stance on issues were covered, turning this election into nothing more than a high school prom popularity contest.

The full article can be read here.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Peter Pan Street Names

In Big Bear California, there is a street section along North Shore Drive named after characters from Peter Pan. I first noticed this driving up there on a weekly basis doing computer work for the resorts. Below is a map listing the streets Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Michael, Wendy, and Nana. Unrelated, there is also Cinderella Drive. Do you have any examples of creative street names?

View Larger Map

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Up Trailer

Pixar set the bar so high with Wall-E, I don't know if they can match it. Here is the new trailer for their next film, Up.

And remember Wall-E comes out soon!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Christians, I'm Calling You Out


If you didn't vote Yes on 8 to protect biblical marriage...
If you didn't vote Yes on 4 to notify parents before children murder other children...
If you didn't vote for a Pro-Life presidential candidate to prevent 1 million murders a year...

...I'm calling you out. You are sitting on the sidelines. Your priorities are wrong. You are weak. You are doing just what the German church did when Hitler was taking power.

If this offends you, good. I make no apologies, because your beef is not with me, but with God. These are clear issues that the bible is completely black & white about. Get off your butt, recheck your priorities, and don't make the same mistake four years from now. Be the salt of the Earth, be a shining light in the darkness. Don't allow evil to triumph because good men have done nothing.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Lack of Research

You will not believe how many say they oppose abortion and support marriage between a man and a woman, yet voted for Obama. Can one be so dense? These are their official stances, one need just look:

Official Democratic stance: "We support the full inclusion of all families, including same-sex couples, in the life of our nation, and support equal responsibility, benefits, and protections. We will enact a comprehensive bipartisan employment non-discrimination act. We oppose the Defense of Marriage Act and all attempts to use this issue to divide us." "The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right."

Official Republican stance: "...we call for a constitutional amendment that fully protects marriage as a union of a man and a woman, so that judges cannot make other arrangements equivalent to it. "...we assert the inherent dignity and sanctity of all human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution, and we endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children."

McCain and Palin are clear on their stance in regards to marriage and abortion, even with Palin not chosing to abort her baby with down syndrome. What about Biden? As a Catholic he is convinced abortion is the killing of a human, yet he lacks the moral fortitude to stand up for the murder of millions by sitting on the sidelines. Biden is inconsistent and a coward for not standing up for humans he believes are being murdered.

Surprise anyone? The facts are there, and too many are fooled, ignorant, or have inconsistent character when they vote. If you made a mistake this voting round, don't let it happen next time. One's beliefs and moral convictions should match up with how they vote.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Keep the World Safe From Weirdos

If you don't vote, you can't complain about how things turned out. We are at a crossroad in America's history, and we need Christians to stand up for what is right, and what our forefathers fought so hard for.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Blind "Churches"

During the sermon of openly gay bishop Gene Robinson, a young man stands up in the crowd calling him a heretic and calling for him to repent. The crown then starts to clap, not for the man standing up for biblical truth, but to silence him. The only biblical voice in that entire "church" was drowned out by the congregation singing praises to their god while he was being dragged away. This is deeply troubling and disturbing.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How quickly we forget history

Whether you are for or against the war in Iraq, let us be reminded who beat the drum in the first place. None other than Colin Powell, who now is backpedaling.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Deciphering Windows 7 numbers

Warming: this post will be more geeky than most of my others.

Microsoft has made a lot of operating systems. With the recently announced Windows 7 being the official name, how did they determine the number 7? In this chart I am only taking into account major version numbers, not the server lines, and not interim releases (like Windows 98se).

First a quick history:
Historic line - The number determined by release date.
DOS Line - Based on MS DOS. 16-bit
32-bit NT Line - Written completely from the ground up and no relation to the 16-bit version except for name and look.
Consumer line - What was sold to mainstream consumers.
64-bit line - Windows completely rewritten to 64-bit.

For those saying Microsoft is rushing Windows 7 because of the bad Vista press, this is completely untrue. Just looking at the historic release date one can see a 2-3, sometimes 5 year time frame between Windows versions, so a 3 year time frame between Vista and Windows 7 is not unheard of. Calling Windows 7 the 14th version of Windows would not be accurate as there have been different lines of Windows for different markets. We can see Microsoft is going with the numbering system that was sold to mainstream consumers, starting with Windows 3.

When Microsoft releases Windows 8 as only 64-bit, then we will get into another naming snafu, as that will technically be the 4th version of the 64-bit platform. Also, since Windows 7 will be the last 32-bit version, and every modern computer is 64-bit, it makes no sense not to buy a computer with 64-bit Vista or get 64-bit Windows 7 when it is released. The industry support is there now, and its due time consumers make the switch.

Everything else aside, I'm enjoying Vista now, Windows 7 is a name that will work, and I look forward to it in the next two years.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Goodbye Analog

Television will finally switch to all digital in February of next year, and I will be throwing a going away analog party. For those that have not made the switch, here is a brief tutorial.

Best line, "Will all of this make Jack Benny come back?".

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Human rights for the dead, not the living

California just passed a law that gives dead people rights. The exhibit that shows actual human bodies on display for $25 a ticket, is getting these human remains from "unclaimed" dead body trafficking in China. This is not to say what is being done at these displays is permissible or that I oppose the newly passed law, I just find it funny that people are fighting for the rights of dead people, and not the rights of those who are living, whether they be unborn or elderly. Most illogical, and morally inconsistent.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Modern Music Learns from the Past

Some friends and I were at a club last night for a birthday party and heard Fergalicious by Fergie. I offered $5 to anyone who could name what song this modern dance song was based on. I still have $5 in my pocket.

Listen to "Fergalicious" by Fergie:

SeeqPod - Playable Search

Then listen to "It's More Fun to Compute" by Kraftwerk released in 1981 from the album Computer World.

SeeqPod - Playable Search

From Wikipedia:
"Kraftwerk’s releases in the 1970s and early 1980s, most significantly Autobahn (1974), Radio-Activity (1975), Trans-Europe Express (1977), The Man-Machine (1978), and Computer World (1981), directly influenced and continues to inspire many popular artists from many diverse generes of music."

This is just one example of so many. Notice that the entire bassline and many of the riffs are all taken directly from Kraftwerk. So if you want a history of where modern dance music came from, just listen to Kraftwerk. A German band that started in the 1970's, still tours to this day, and whose influence continues today and likely beyond.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Predicting the Post Election Headlines

Because of the love affair the media has with the democratic candidate, I'm going to go out on a limb and predict what much of the media may say. If McCain wins and Obama looses:

It was because America was...
  • not ready for a black president
  • not ready for radical change
  • not ready to accept the lifestyle of gays

And not because he...

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Trickbusters

My new favorite no-budget show has to be The Trickbusters. They are not magicians, just super skeptics using basic deductions skills, logic and critical thinking to figure out magicians and other forms of trickery. Their motto is "magic don't exist, only tricks". While a lot of their shows are geared towards debunking the "Mind Freak", Chris Angel, appropriately called "Mind Fake" on the show as to avoid any legal action, they cover other forms of magic and trickery like pick pockets and mind readers.

Check out their site at and their videos on YouTube, (here as well). Here is just one of their many entertaining videos.

Don't Speak the Truth, You Might Hurt Someone

It seems America does not want to offend anyone, and are working on laws to enforce this. If you happen to offend someone today, there is more ground gaining for you to be silenced and possibly be charged with a crime for speaking truth in a world of falsehood.

With gay rights, Islam, and other belief systems that contradict the Bible gaining more ground, those that speaking out against these subjects are being told, sometimes by law, to keep quiet or are being accused of hate crimes. America was founded on Christian values and Christians adhere to the bible as truth. Sadly we are loosing this fast, but that is another story. The bible clearly teaches that the only way to heaven is Jesus, and homosexuality is a sin. All other belief systems that teach otherwise are in contrary to scripture and would be deemed false in a Christian worldview. More and more those that speak up for biblical truth are being silenced and accused of intolerance and hate speech. This is not a hate speech/crime issue, but a truth issue, and I make no apologies for being intolerant of falsehood.

Check out this disturbing news:
"H.R. 1592 is a discriminatory measure that criminalizes thoughts, feelings, and beliefs [and] has the potential of interfering with religious liberty and freedom of speech," according to a white paper submitted by Glen Lavy, of the Alliance Defense Fund.

As well as this news:
It appears from the bill [The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act (H.R. 1592)] and from astonishing comments made during the April 25 Judiciary Committee hearing that a pastor who preaches against homosexuality could be charged with inciting a hate crime if one of his church members—sometime after hearing the pastor’s comments—commits a crime against a homosexual person.

Any crime against someone should be punished, but preaching truth even if it offends someone should never be a crime. When Jesus was here on earth, he called people's sin and falsehood out, often offending them, yet he committed no crime against them. God's patience is long, but there is a time when His patience against sin and falsehood will run out. We are called to preach the truth as stated in 2 Timothy 4:2, and should not enact judgment, as that is up to God as shown in Hebrews 10:30-31. Judging and speaking truth to someone are totally separate and different things, and often people get this confused with the "don't judge lest ye be judged" attitude. The bible says not to judge, but also says to rebuke falsehood and preach truth. Contradiction? No. Judgment would be more of a condemning judgment such as a judge in a court of law, and speaking truth and opposing falsehood would be more like a teacher or parent does. As said in Matthew 22:37-39, we need to love God first and as truth is part of God's nature, we should adhere to that and also oppose falsehood because that is against God's nature. Secondly we are called to love others, and love involves speaking truth.

A presidential candidate who will remain unnamed defined sin as anything that contradicts your moral values. With this logic there are no moral absolutes. With no moral compass to adhere to, it is like trying to have sailors navigate the world with compasses where true north is different for each person. Imagine the chaos! Who would be in the wrong? According to moral relativism, everyone is right and the person who offends the other is wrong, but in actuality it would be everyone who's compass is not pointed to the true north. As Christians, we should fix our compass north to God's word.

Apparently not offending someone is more important than truth. Imagine if the law made doctors behave this way. "I can't be allowed to hurt your feelings and offend you by telling you that there is a weird growth inside of you and if we don't remove it, which could be a painful process, you might die. I have to keep silent and not tell you, so we can get along admirably, or else I will be the one punished". On the surface everything would be fine, but in reality things are not ok, and someone is headed for destruction and disappointment, only because truth was traded for tolerance.

I fully embrace freedom of speech and religion by which America is based on. If someone wants to believe a lie and speak accordingly, they have every right to, but at the same time those that adhere to truth and oppose moral relativism should not be silenced or charged with a crime, even if it offends someone. Then again, Jesus spoke the truth, and was crucified because it offended people, and this is just one of many historic precedents.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Disneyland entrance with Microsoft Photosynth

One of the coolest technologies to come out of Microsoft lately is Photosynth. This is where they take multiple 2D photos that overlap, and their software will re-create the environment in a 3D world you can navigate around. They just released it to the public so you can create your own. I have been photosynthing with pictures in my collection, and am now attempting to re-create Disneyland, or at least parts of it with Photosynth. I spent a few hours taking over 2000 photos! Here is the Disneyland front entrance. I got it to 96% synthy so you can really navigate around 360 degrees! Try it here (PC only):

For my next trick I will do Main Street USA! Until then, Photosynth some of your own photos.

Update: There is now a website dedicated to Photosynthing Disney parks. You can even vote for your favorites.

I recently added Cinderella's castle and hub at Disneyland. See if you can find the Fairy Godmother and time-capsule plaque! You can even zoom in to minute detail to read it all:

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

So, so sad.

Best of luck with your new god...

Isa 44:17-18

From the rest he makes a god, his idol; he bows down to it and worships. He prays to it and says, “Save me; you are my god.” They know nothing, they understand nothing; their eyes are plastered over so they cannot see, and their minds closed so they cannot understand.

Matt 10:32-33
"Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Last Lecture

If you knew you were going to die very soon, and could give one last lecture, what would it be about? How would your attitude be, what really matters in life, and how do you want others to live life? A CMU professor and Disney Imangineer, that is what Randy Pausch recently did recently before he died yesterday on July 25th, 47 years old of panceatic cancer. His last lesson was titled "Last Lecture: Really Acheving Your Childhood Dreams". There are some very good life lessons, new ways to look a brick walls and how to properly use criticism. The video is a bit over an hour long, filled with some suprises and a very touching moment near the end. I hope and pray he put his faith and trust in Jesus before he died, as no amount of human praise or wisdom could ever save someone.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I just opened Pandora's Box

When I want to know about something, I tend to really research the subject. Within the last year I have fully researched Walt Disney World, rechargeable batteries and MP4 video. The other week I decided to research Bible translations. OH BOY! I have opened up my biggest research project yet. Heated fights, passion, mystery, intrigue, sabotage, deception, even murder, its all there in the world of bible translations.

It is overwhelming, exciting, scary, joyful, frustrating, fascinating, humbling, and sad all at the same time. Already I have been up in to the wee hours of the night more than a few times already. I will post more updates on what I have found and hope you will find this information useful.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Gas Prices, Dubai, and the Demise of Walt Disney World?

I took this picture 3 years ago. Check out the price! I bet people would be lining up for blocks to get gas at this price. This may shock you, but I am not one of those really concerned about gas prices. Its a simple supply-demand scenario. We have a high demand, there is a low supply, prices go up. You learn these things in high school economics class. There is no global conspiracy and George Bush is not to blame. We live in a capitalistic society, and this is the way things roll. In fact, I wish they would go higher, as this would only spur the momentum to move away from fossil fuel and move to alternative, clean, cheap, renewable energy sources. Solar, ethanol, wind, hydrogen fuel cells, I have been hoping for these types of energy sources ever since I first visited Epcot at age 5.

Which brings us to the topic at hand. I read this fascinating article about the development of Dubailand out in the middle-east which will be twice the size of Walt Disney World and more densely developed. The scale of this project is unprecedented. Major names will be here (Lego, Dreamworks, Barney, Six Flags, MGM, Universal Studios, Busch Gardens, Warner Brothers, etc), and major design firms and former Imagineers are working on it. The oil out there is drying up and the middle-east is starting to switch gears from oil-exporter to tourist destination. The speculation is that if gas prices go up, international tourists will vacation there instead of Walt Disney World, resulting in the decline of Disney and turning Walt Disney World into a local destination area like Disneyland. Scary thoughts.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Almost ready for a Headthrash

I cannot tell you how excited I am for this album. The Plump DJs have been some of the most creative, hard-hitting pair of electronic artists since The Crystal Method and The Chemical Brothers. Definitely a big beat style, but as you can hear in the previews, each song is different, unique, with a style of itself. Slow, fast, calm, melodic, lyrics, instrumental, old style, new style, all dynamic. June 1st, I got my eye on you. If preview buttons on a website could get worn out, this one would be already broken.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Thank God I don't get my way

I am glad that God does not always answer prayers to my will. Sometimes I will ask for things according to my will, and when they don't work out the way I wanted them to it can sometimes upset me, but often in hind site I will say, "What was I thinking!?". Which is why it is all the better to ask for God's will, not ours.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Snow 20 2008 video is up!

Instead of putting tape on the bottom of your mouse so it does not work or take the batteries out of your remote, I have a present for all of you, no fooling. The Snow 20 2008 video for online viewing or download!


Video Download:
High quality suitable for playback on your computer or loading on your video iPod, Zune, etc to take with you.
If it can't playback on your computer, use VLC, Quicktime, WinAmp, or Zune to view.
Right click > Save Target/Link As, and for those Mac users with only one button, Command+Click to save.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Journalist calling out other journalism bias

Yes these articles may be a little on the techie side, but notice how this journalist calls out other journalists for their bias and spin. It comes down to critical thinking, which 99.99% of all journalists ignore, and prey on their readers not to think critically either, except for this one that I cite. These articles are in regards to Microsoft which seems to be journalist's favorite whipping boy lately. They may be cooing at Apple right now, but just wait for the backlash. America loves propping people up, then tearing them down, and to get you to read their articles in the process.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Smack My Enya Up

This is one of the more unique mash-ups I have heard in a long time. The Prodigy and Enya, two artists on completely different ends of the music spectrum, yet together they sound so good.
(I apologize for the minor offensive lyrics for those with sensitive ears.)

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Want a invite?

(update: A few days after posting this, went live to all, no an invite is no longer necessary. Still a site worth checking out and another reason not to pay for cable or dish.) is a video on demand service that major broadcasters are putting their shows to view online, and looks to be the future of television. Currently it is in private beta, but I have some invites I can give out. The first five people to comment on one of the stories I posted recently will receive an invite.

You can even send links or embed shows. Here is part 1 of 2 of the season finale from Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles:

Monday, March 03, 2008

The death of the CD is here

The traditional method of releasing music is broken, and the CD is almost dead. Portable MP3 players like the iPod, Zune, cell phones and playing music on your computer are the preferred methods of music listening today. Music retailers like Tower Records are going out of business and iTunes is now the #2 music retailer behind Wal-Mart which shows that the days of CDs and traditional music stores are numbered.

I am a disappointed that the proposed successor to the CD with higher quality multi-channel audio with formats such as HDCD and DVD Audio never took off. Instead the public chose space and portability over quality. To simplify the technical, CDs are recorded at 16-bits, 44.1 KHz. The more bits and the higher the KHz, the better the quality. MP3s which are created when you "rip" a CD and AAC files like those from iTunes are less quality than a CD. High quality formats such as DTS used in high-end home theater use 24-bit, 96KHz, much higher than a CD. While I can tell the difference and would prefer higher quality audio, a properly created MP3 sounds just like the original CD and most people find today's digital formats adequate, especially considering most people listen on sub-standard speakers or headphones.

With that $16 CD of yours, the artist only gets about $1.60 of it. The recording industry has been fighting to keep themselves alive and relevant. With the internet, the ability to make a professional album at home, and online self-promotion, the record labels know they are out of a job, and are fighting the inevitable future. In fact, the latest Prodigy album was composed on his laptop using the off-the-shelf software package "Reason". Major artists are dumping their music labels and going independent such as Madonna, Nine Inch Nails, Prince and Radiohead. Nine Inch Nails is releasing their new album in digital format online for as low as $5.

While I like NIN music, I have not always liked their lyrics, but either way I applaud Trent Reznor's forward thinking and method of distribution. CD sales are declining, digital sales are increasing, and music free of digital rights management (DRM) is becoming more of the norm thanks to Amazon's excellent MP3 music store. The CD had a great run, but the consumers have spoken: we want instant access to our music, we want it al-la-cart, we want a fair price for it, we want it anywhere on any device, and we want it ours without restrictions. Too bad we took a step backwards in quality.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Why I don't have cable

When I moved to Fullerton four years ago my roommate and I decided not to get cable because #1 we didn't have excess money to spend at the time, and #2 we didn't have time because of college. I am not one of those that is against TV, on the contrary, my degree is in TV & Film. There are some good shows, but most stuff out there is crap, so I am quite discerning. During that time I found alternative methods of getting media content that is either cheap or free.

  1. Podcasts (free) - There are so many audio & video podcasts to cover nearly every nitch market you are bound to find something you like. I find these more entertaining than many cable shows. Use either the Zune software or iTunes to get audio & video podcasts. These sync with my Zune and I now have mobile entertainment.
  2. Netflix (<$10 a month) - One DVD movie out at a time is more than enough for me and the ability to watch movies online is very convenient. Renting movies makes even more sense now that Blu-ray has won and I don't want to purchase my DVD collection all over again, not to mention it takes up so much space. I may never buy a DVD again.
  3. Over the air HDTV (~$100 initial investment, free after that) - Most people are unaware that you can get all major networks in HDTV quality even better than digital cable or satellite over the air for free. Often cable or satellite charge you a monthly premium for local channels or HDTV, and you have to buy/rent their HDTV box as well. For over the air HDTV, you just need a over the air HDTV tuner, which you can get as a set top box or tuner card for your PC. Throw out your past experiences with over the air TV, digital over the air TV looks and sounds great! Analog TV will be gone in a year so start investing in digital HDTV. Also, if you have Windows Media Center (built into Vista Home Premium or Ultimate) with a HDTV tuner card, you use your computer as a digital video recorder that arguably works just a good as TiVo with no monthly fees. If you have a Windows Media Extender such as a Xbox 360, you can view all content recorded on your PC and live HDTV from your living room. Even the few hundred dollars invested in over the air HDTV will save you thousands over cable in the long run
  4. Other methods (free) - Most major network give you the ability to watch their full shows online on-demand, and often with little or no commercials. Then there is and the upcoming Online on-demand is the future of television.
The biggest reason I don't have cable is I just don't have time for it. It is a huge time waster and I would rather put that time towards family, friends and self-improvement. But I do like to be informed and entertained now and then, and it just does not make sense to pay up to $100 a month for cable or satellite. Have you ditched cable or are thinking about it? How do you get your content?

Sunday, February 03, 2008

When reporting the news becomes biased

Since when do newspapers such as The LA Times and The San Francisco Chronicle officially endorse candidates such as McCain and Obama? I thought newspapers were responsible to report the news and be unbiased eyes and ears for the nation, or I am just living in fantasyland? This just furthers my case that everything, yes everything, is biased. When newspapers officially endorse candidates, this just makes it officially biased. So much for democracy.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Don't let race or gender decide this election

I am afraid that this election will come down to the color of your skin or if you are male or female.

I have no problem with a black or woman president. What I DO have a problem with is voters or even the candidates themselves making their race or gender a reason to get them elected. Just because there has never been a black or female president is not a legitimate reason to vote for them. Anyone who votes for them because "Wouldn't it be nice if there was a black or female president? They have been oppressed in the past and this would show the world how we have changed." is an entirely superficial way of thinking. Segregation showed us that the color of your skin does not matter. Woman's rights showed us that woman are just as capable as men.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (and women, regardless of your color) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." - The Declaration of Independence (my comment above)

The real question is, can they lead the country? Do they have the skills and abilities to keep us safe, strengthen the economy, unite our nation, restore America's declining morality, pay off our dept, fight injustice? Topics such as these transcend race and gender.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Scientology OT Summit 2007: "We were wrong, let us sell you the lie again"

I watched the OT Scientology Summit video while packing and let me give you the summary. OT is what they call Operating Thetans, or in real-world terms, people who have paid enough money to be brainwashed so they get preferred treatment from the "church". In the 3 hour meeting they basically say everything you have learned and was taught was a lie, which is why you could not understand anything (to which there was massive standing applause). And who is to blame for this gross error? The secretary. Seriously guys, I'm not making this stuff up. LRH (L Ron Hubbard, their science fiction writer and founder) was recorded on tape telling all about his false religion and they gave the job to a transcriber to write down everything he said and in their words gross amounts of it was mistranslated, mistyped or lost and and written down from the very beginning and all of this was taught. This negates everything they have published, taught and believed in before. And guess what? They have an entire new book series for you to purchase entitled "The Basics". Yes folks, Scientology screwed up so bad that they have to go back to the basics.

Scientology is barely 50 years old. It is a lie, it is a cult, they have to constantly hide cover up information, change their doctrine, and it all is riddled with holes. The Bible is thousands of years old, it has not changed, it has always been attacked and to this day it stands the test of time and proven over and over again. It deeply saddens me to see to see this mass of people who are truly misled by this cult.

Hackers vs Scientology. Let the truth be know, Scientology is a lie.

So it has been a while since I have posted anything, but I hope to post more regularly. Recently hackers have declared war on Scientology flooding their servers, fax machines, and posting videos that make their biggest $$ supporters $$ (Tom Cruise) look bad. The Scientologists are attempting to censor the internet. In this day and age with technology, it is easier for a lie to spread, but at the same time, it is also easier for the truth to be known. I say, more power to them. Wired has a nice article on it: